pregnancy strips pack of 5



A pregnancy strip, also known as a pregnancy test strip, is a diagnostic tool used to detect pregnancy. Here’s how it works:

Types of Pregnancy Strips
1. *Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT) Strip*: Detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine.
2. *Blood Pregnancy Test Strip*: Measures hCG levels in blood (less common).

How to Use a Pregnancy Strip
1. *Purchase a pregnancy test kit*: Available at pharmacies or online.
2. *Read instructions carefully*: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
3. *Collect a urine sample*: Mid-morning urine usually has highest hCG concentration.
4. *Dip or place strip in urine*: For 1-5 seconds, depending on the test.
5. *Wait for results*: Typically 1-5 minutes.
6. *Interpret results*: Check for color changes, symbols, or digital displays.

Understanding Results
1. *Positive (+)*: Two lines, a plus sign (+), or a digital “Pregnant” display.
2. *Negative (-)*: One line, a minus sign (-), or a digital “Not Pregnant” display.
3. *Invalid*: No lines, error messages, or unclear results.

Factors Affecting Accuracy
1. *Sensitivity*: Choose a test with high sensitivity (e.g., 20-25 mIU/mL).
2. *Timing*: Test after missed period for best results.
3. *Urine concentration*: Avoid drinking excessive water before testing.

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