Moidy Moisturizing Lotion 120ml
Quality moisturizers can help soothe and repair dry, itchy, and irritated skin. But with so many moisturizers on the market, how do you find one that works for you? It usually comes down to a matter of personal preference. You may choose to have a few on hand to suit your various needs. You can use Moidy moisturizer lotion anywhere on your body that needs some extra attention. It’s formulated using plant extracts to heal and improve the appearance of dry, rough skin. Buy Skin Care Medicine, Vitamins, Healthcare, and Personal Care from the best online Pakistan Store – Amforia.PK. Order your medicines today at the discounted rates.
Hyaluronic acid, Ceramides, Glycerin, Urea, Antioxidants, Aquaporins, Plant butter and oils, Moisturizing tips. Achieving healthy skin depends on more than just what moisturizer you choose.
Apply moisturizer when your skin is still a little damp after your shower or bath. If you have sensitive skin, use moisturizers with soothing ingredients that are free of acids, fragrances, and dyes.
Keep this product at a low temperature.
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